A constant refrain from the gospel account of Jesus’ activities was the instruction to go over to “the other side”. We have this in Mark 4:35 – “On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.”” That command brought them to the Gadara region where a demoniac man was set free. As soon as that work of deliverance took place, our text records that they “crossed over again by boat to the other side”. As it were, this was the other side of the other side. At that place, Jairus brought his daughter’s ailing health to Jesus. Also, an unknown woman who had had a haemorrhage for twelve years came for a touch. Here is the point: whichever side Jesus turned to, He met people with felt needs.
“There is no side you go to that is free of the common woes and wounds of humanity. Here is the good news: God is more than enough for all needs! All we have to do is to know how to draw down on the power of God for solutions.”
There is always the illusion of the grass being greener on the other side. The truth, however, is that every side has its issue and everybody their needs. Take note of how Jairus was described. He was one of the rulers in the synagogue. So he must be a man of considerable religious status. The issues of life do not respect social status, political standing, economic attainment, or religious persuasion. If you think to yourself that you are out of the woods, you are home and dry, just look at your spouse, siblings, or parents. There is always someone with a need whose life impacts you. There is no side you go to that is free of the common woes and wounds of humanity. Here is the good news: God is more than enough for all needs! All we have to do is to know how to draw down on the power of God for solutions.