Just about the time of making this entry, the news broke of a medical doctor accused of defiling not just a minor but a niece of his wife. I could not but wonder at the devastating effect of sin. If found guilty, not only will his reputation suffer terribly, but also his good works of many years will be washed down the drain. He might even end up in jail. The point, however, is that immoral behaviour, or any other sin for that matter, is typically the end product of our inner life. By inner life we mean the trend of our thoughts. Jewel said, “Our hands are really servants of our thoughts, so if you want to understand what you’re thinking, watch what your hands are doing”. Napoleon Hill said, “Life reflects your own thoughts back to you”. All of these are saying that you get or do what you think about the most.
No one can nurse impure thoughts and live a holy life. No one can have timid and fearful thought life and do extraordinary things. The change we want outside must begin inside.
Before the Lord destroyed the world with a flood, He noticed that the wickedness of man was great on the earth. Our text tells us that every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was evil. The evil practices had their root in intents and thoughts. This is a further proof of the scripture that says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. No one can nurse impure thoughts and live a holy life. No one can have timid and fearful thought life and do extraordinary things. The change we want outside must begin inside. It is more like the teaching of Jesus – clean the inside of the cup, and the outside will be clean as well.