Here, we have the establishment of the law of Sabbath. The law is hinged on the fact that God created the heavens and earth in six days and rested on the seventh. Our text added a note of emphasis by saying that God was refreshed after He rested. That is something curious. Isaiah 40:28 says, ““Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.”
If God neither faints nor is weary, why did He have to rest? I believe that God introduced the Sabbath not so much because of Himself, but for us.
The idea of Sabbath is God’s way of teaching man the need for margin. A life without margin is rough and untidy. Worse still, a life without margin is a disaster going to happen. Those who broke the law of the Sabbath were subject to death penalty in the Old Testament. It is doubtful that any government today will kill those who work on the Sabbath, not even in ultra-Jewish settlements. But aren’t people killing themselves untimely because they don’t apply any break in their pursuit? People get desperate for success and what it can bring that they live without margin. But it will be a disaster to have breakdown before the anticipated breakthrough. We all need some margin from time to time. In the past couple of meditations, we observed that discouragement or weariness may set in. What we can add here is that a little time of rest could be the panacea for it.