Three of Paul’s writings are usually described as pastoral epistles. These are 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. Since the epistles were addressed to pastors, it was not out of place for Paul to give requirements for ecclesiastical offices. In our text, he specified one of the conditions that a would-be bishop must possess – a candidate must have a good report of the outside world. In other words, his lifestyle must not only be approved by the church, but his good life must find a way out for the world at large to see. What is stated here as a condition for bishops is applicable to every child of God. We will not all be Bishops; but we are all called to be worthy ambassadors of Christ in our various domains. It is by our good character that we mirror Christ to the unbelievers.
It is one thing to go up in life, it is quite another thing to remain there. If our gifts and relationships take us to the top, it is our character that will keep us there.
Certain things are necessary to make marks in life. We must recognize our peculiar gifting and deploy them appropriately. We must also learn how to build quality relationships. Invariably, these are the things that will unlock doors and take us to the top. However, it is one thing to go up in life, it is quite another thing to remain there. If our gifts and relationships take us to the top, it is our character that will keep us there. Many worked so hard to turn their gifts to skills only to have a career opportunity blown off before their eyes, because they left character defects unchecked. By the way, it takes good character to be able to make and keep powerful relationships. Great friendships with potential for lifting have also been ruined due to careless behaviours. We must expose all character flaws to the therapeutic influence of the Holy Spirit in order to appropriate all that God has earmarked for us.