The verse of Scripture before us is one of several verses that would require some study aid to get to its root. We are told the word of the Lord was precious in those days. If we interpret “precious” in modern-day English, we will miss the mark. Another translation will be of help. “Now the boy Samuel ministered to the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation.” (I Samuel 3:1 NKJV). So the word was used not in the sense of being valuable but of its scarcity. Another translation says God’s word was rare. Typically, God delights in speaking to His people. Whenever He withholds Himself from speaking, the people must have stayed too long in their sins. Withholding of divine presence in terms of vision or prophecy is punishment of some sort.
Believers without access to the word of God will be at the mercy of the devil. This is why we said earlier that if the word of God is scarce, victory is far… If you strongly desire it, God will get His word across to you one way or another. With the revealed word of God, you shall do exploit all through the month.
Every believer must strive to create an environment for divine manifestation. This is because the scarcity of the word of God has consequences. If the word of God is scarce, then victory is far! God’s word is described in various ways. Jeremiah said it is like the hammer that breaks the rock into pieces. He also describes it as fire. Without access to the word of God, those rocks and chaffs will continue to assault a child of God. The importance of God’s word can be seen in another way. The devil threw three different temptations at Jesus. On each occasion, Jesus overcame by referring to the word of God. Believers without access to the word of God will be at the mercy of the devil. This is why we said earlier that if the word of God is scarce, victory is far. At the beginning of a new month like this, you ought to have a strong appetite for the word of God. If you strongly desire it, God will get His word across to you one way or another. With the revealed word of God, you shall do exploit all through the month.