I read of someone who warned that we should be wary of half-truths. Half-truth implies half lie. The danger of this is that you may not be sure of which half you are holding. When the devil was soliciting Eve regarding the forbidden tree, he told her that her eyes would be open if she ate of it. That was being clever by half. He was right to say that their eyes would be open, but he didn’t tell her to what they would be open. When Eve succumbed to the bait and ate the fruit along with her husband, their eyes were indeed opened – but to their nakedness and shame!
Learning to choose with deference to the word and will of God is great wisdom.
Part of the gifts that God bequeathed to the man from the beginning is the ability to choose. We are free to make choices, but once done, we are not in a position to determine the outcome. Therefore, we must exercise the power of choice with great caution. Learning to choose with deference to the word and will of God is great wisdom. When the first couple exercised their power of choice contrary to God’s revealed will, it became a sin to them. The immediate consequence of this was their exposure. That is the nature of sin – it exposes. Countless people have been exposed to shame and ridicule because of sin. Others reaped beyond shame, having been exposed to mysterious illnesses or even premature death. Only the Blood of Jesus can deliver from the unfortunate consequences of sin.