A young man sat in my office mourning over a decision he made. Without thinking it
through, he voluntarily left his place of employment only to get stuck. I know a number
of star players who left their clubs for other clubs only to lose form. As we shall see
presently, our choices and decisions will impact us in more ways than we can imagine.
Adam and Eve lost their estate to a choice. God put them in the garden and offered
them the liberty to eat freely whatever they wanted. There was a caveat, though; they
must avoid the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a misadventure of a
lasting proportion when Eve chose to eat from the forbidden tree alongside with her
“The power of choice is one of the greatest powers bequeathed to mankind.”
The power of choice is one of the greatest powers bequeathed to mankind. It also
happens to be a delicate one. Wrongful use of this power can lead to terrible
consequences. Their choice disconnected them not only from the beautiful garden, but
also from God who gave it to them. They ended up in the wilderness where they had to
contend with thorns and thistles and a host of other inclement situations. You will make
thousands of choices during the course of your life. It is good you keep in mind that your
choices will not leave you the same. Some people make choices that disconnect them
from people and places that are meant to advance their lives. They end up plunging
themselves into avoidable struggles. Before you make any major decision, consider
what it may likely disconnect you from and what it will link you up with. Above all, defer
to God when next you are to make a decision. He knows the end from the beginning
and can show you the landmine along any path.