When Israel first mooted the idea of having kings like all surrounding nations, Samuel was terribly grieved. He tossed the matter over and over until God asked him to oblige them in their request. Their choice of wanting to have kings was technically passing a vote of no confidence in God; but was respected anyway. He first gave them Saul, the son of Kish, before David and Solomon in that order. By the time the kingdom split after Solomon, Israel had completely forgotten how to consult God on most issues, particularly with regards to the choice of kings, princes, and priests. That became a sin and a snare. Most of their self-chosen leaders took them farther away from God.
“Making choices without God’s warrant will not only be a snare, but it will also be without divine blessing. “
Our text will make a good read from the Amplified version. “They set up kings, but not from Me [therefore without My blessing]; they have made princes or removed them [without consulting Me; therefore], I knew and recognized [them] not. With their silver and their gold they made idols for themselves, that they [the silver and the gold] may be destroyed.” Making choices without God’s warrant will not only be a snare, but it will also be without divine blessing. It is for this reason that the counsel of Solomon must be taken seriously. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6 NKJV). All matters, both great and small, must first be run by God to ascertain His take on them.