We have an identifiable pattern in all godly leaders of Israel. Each time they interceded for the people, they would normally go memory lane to recount all that God had done for His people. In addition, they would admit all of the unfaithfulness of the people. We see this pattern replicated by Nehemiah in chapter 9 of the book named after him. Specifically, our text for meditation today singled out one thing, among many, that God did for the people. God gave them His Spirit. Both the nature and the function of the Spirit are equally stated. God’s Spirit is good, and principal among His functions is to instruct the people. There is no going wrong following the Spirit’s lead.
“Choices unregulated by the Spirit of God are liable to be sinful; they yield nothing but dividends of wounds and woes. “
Times when Israel had fallen on bad times were when they neglected the word of God and discountenanced the Spirit’s input to follow their own frolics. That was not without dire consequences as we can see in this verse of scripture: ““Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin”. (Isaiah 30:1 NKJV). Choices unregulated by the Spirit of God are liable to be sinful; they yield nothing but dividends of wounds and woes. To get our choices right, we must strive to align the spirit of our mind with the mind of the Spirit. The result will be peace and progress in all that we set out to do.