I was in South Africa in March 1998 when the news of the demise of the Archbishop Benson Idahosa hit the airwaves. Though he lived a relatively short life (he died at the age of 59), it will be true to say that he parked several lifetimes into that brief period. A couple of years after his death, I travelled to Benin in company of Dr. Tunde Bakare for a program. One man was quoting a source from the occult kingdom concerning the archbishop. ‘’One lion has died; we won’t allow another to rise’’. If there is truth to these words, it goes a long way to prove how much he terrorized the kingdom of darkness. From Benin City to the ends of the world, he stood tall for the gospel.
“We must never allow timidity to shut us up while the kingdom of darkness is having a field day.”
Among his several exploits was taking the witches to task. When the World Council of Witches proposed to hold their conference in Benin, he declared that the meeting would not hold. The local head of the witches in Benin said the meeting would hold, even if God came down. Waxing ever so confident, the archbishop declared that God did not have to come down since he was on ground. He went on live debate with the head of the witches in Benin and discomfited him. The conference was cancelled thereafter. Paul declared that we are ambassadors of Christ. We should do what He would have done if He was physically present. Wherever we find ourselves, we must never forget that we are planted there for a reason. That reason is to be worthy representatives of Christ and His kingdom. We must never allow timidity to shut us up while the kingdom of darkness is having a field day.