Lorne Sanny recalled a story told by Howard Hendricks who was one of his professors at the seminary. The professor once sat in a plane that was delayed for takeoff. As typical of passengers when delay is recorded, they became more and more irritated. Hendricks was fascinated with how gracious one of the flight attendants was as she spoke with them. After the plane finally took off, he told the flight attendant how amazed he was at her poise and self-control, and said he wanted to write a letter of commendation for her to the airline. Her response turned out to be even more amazing. She said that she didn’t work for the airline company, but for Jesus Christ. She further explained that just before going to work that day she and her husband prayed together that she would be a good representative of Christ (Lorne Sanny, “The Right Way to Respond to Authority,” Discipleship Journal, March/April 1982). And a good representative of Jesus she was indeed. We can call her Christ’s staff.
“The moment we see ourselves in Christ’s employ, we change the narrative.”
Imagine if every believer would have such attitude and mindset towards their work! Imagine the effect if everyone understand that they are working directly for Jesus! That is what it ought to be really. Writing to the Corinthians, Paul said that believers are ambassadors of Christ. When he wrote to the Colossians, this is what he said: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24 NKJV). The moment we see ourselves in Christ’s employ, we change the narrative.