In order to get the Church back to its apostolic power and glory, there must of necessity be a paradigm shift. The dichotomy between the priests and the laity has to go; and the role of what we call the five-fold ministry gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) must be re-examined. Writing to the Ephesians, Paul made it clear that these ministry gifts essentially are called to equip the people and then release them to fulfill the several aspects of the work of the ministry. What we have currently is a lopsided arrangement where the ministry gifts do all the work and leave the vast majority as recipients or observers at best.
“To have a victorious church, all believers must locate their duty posts and stay true in them.”
This position is best summed up by F. B. Meyers. ‘’It is urgently needful that the Christian people of our charge should come to understand that they are not a company of invalids, to be wheeled about, or fed by hand, cosseted, nursed, and comforted, the minister being head-physician and nurse—but a garrison in an enemy’s country, every soul of which should have some post of duty, at which he should be prepared to make any sacrifice rather than quit it.’’ What has made the church ineffective is that a lot of believers see themselves as invalids needing help, instead of seeing themselves as victors giving help. To have a victorious church, all believers must locate their duty posts and stay true in them.