The Reverend Carl Boberg is credited with the lyrics of the powerful hymn HOW
GREAT THOU ART. It is said of him that he was taking a walk one day when thunder
struck; after which calm and a bright sky appeared. What echoed out of his mouth were
the words, “Great God”. From these words emerged a poem which eventually became
the foundation of this timeless hymn. The Reverend Carl Boberg shared the same
sentiments with David the Psalmist. In Psalm 8 David was awe-struck at the greatness
of God when he saw God’s creation. So small in comparison to the universe is man that
he wondered why God would ever look in his direction. Many of the praises that the
Psalmist sang to God were on account of His vast creation.
“Can you think of anything in you or around you today to stimulate praise to this great God?
The realm of nature has been described as a huge classroom for man. Focus on nature
has been at the root of many scientific findings, breakthroughs, and product
development. For example, it was by studying birds that scientists came to manufacture
aircraft. Similarly, it is by understanding whales in the sea that the submarine was
made. Apart from products that could be developed following trends and patterns of
nature, they also provide a stimulus for quality praise to the Almighty God who is the
creator of all things. Can you think of anything in you or around you today to stimulate
praise to this great God?