Our previous meditation commended the wisdom of Jehoram in building a coalition army against Moab. We learned that it takes alliances to deal with the battles of life. However, there was one major drawback to Jehoram’s effort; He left God out of the arrangement. He relied entirely on the massive army he had put together. It did not take long before they were hit with a crisis as they could not find water for the army and their animals. No alliance can be complete without God. The equation of life will remain ever unbalanced as long as we leave God out of it. The Psalmist rightly observed that no king is saved by the multitude of the army; and that the horse (representing weapons of war) is a vain thing for victory. (Psalm 33:16-17).
God is the determinant factor in the affairs of life. Hence, He should be the first port of call when we are dealing with issues. Moses would rather remain at the same spot until he got the assurance that God would go with His people. Those who rely only on the alliances they could muster with human beings are heading for a shock. Human beings have their place, but since they are not spirits, they have their limits as well. We need an active partnership with God to sail through in life, only we must not wait until we hit some crisis point before we learn to call Him. Relating with God should be an ongoing affair.