About the greatest move one can make is to invest in eternal destiny of souls. This understanding made me sit with a young man I have been trying to nurse in the things of God. I wanted to know the state of his soul as it relates to God. He is one of the young men I have been trying to nurse in the things of God. From his response, he appeared to have grown in the consciousness of God more than our previous meeting, but some doubts still persist. How do we know that what God claims in the Bible are true? How do we even know that the Bible is what it claims to be – God’s infallible word? These and other questions still tug at his imaginative mind. To a reasonable extent, we can know God, but that is when you are already in God.
You don’t wait to know God before you commit to Him…Once you are in Him, He begins to reveal Himself to you in ways and manners that no one else can.
There is a way to illustrate this. You can make all efforts to describe Nigeria to someone who has never been here. He, on his part, may read up about Nigeria to increase his knowledge. However, none of these will make him appreciate the country like those who live inside it. Similarly, you don’t wait to know God before you commit to Him. There has to be the initial element of faith by which you leap into God. Once you are in Him, He begins to reveal Himself to you in ways and manners that no one else can. Your journey in the knowledge of God begins with faith leap; but this is not a blind leap into the dark. You have to believe in the testimony of those who have already tasted God and have discovered He is real.