We generally find it a lot easier submitting to human beings than God. This is especially true when an expert or professional opinion is involved. By reason of my assignment, I fly thousands of kilometres every year. Whenever I enter a plane, I don’t argue with the crew. I take my assigned seat and follow every instruction by the crew. That is submission. Even though I don’t as much get to see the inside of the cockpit, I have confidence that the men in charge know what they are doing. I even go to sleep sometimes, never in doubt of the capability of the crew. Submission connotes the idea of taking a “weak” position vis-a-vis another person whom we deem superior in some sense. The superiority could stem from age or knowledge. It could also stem from an office occupied. When you submit there is no more resistance. The idea of submission means you are willing to be ordered around.
“If we fail to submit to God, we have no ground to expect that Satan and his demons would submit to us. The most effective way to cast out devils is to live in submission to the Lord.”
This should apply to our relationship with God. If we could trust the pilots and doctors and do what they say, we should submit to God even more. God was here before everything else. He also knows everything from past to future. That should fuel our confidence. Submitting to God comes with a blessing. We come to a place of power where we can put the devil on the run. The spiritual realm is highly structured; and that includes Satan’s realm. There is a chain of command that is strictly observed. If we fail to submit to God, we have no ground to expect that Satan and his demons would submit to us. The most effective way to cast out devils is to live in submission to the Lord.