There are three possible approaches that people adopt when it comes to seeking God. We have those who seek God because of problems that they want Him to solve. Majority of people fall under this category; and we discouraged that in yesterday’s meditation. Secondly, some people seek God for who He is. This category know and believe that God is worthy of the attention. Finally, some others seek God in response to what He has done for them. This is showing gratitude for the loving kindness of God. Our text points to two individuals who sought God on this basis. The first one was Simon the leper in whose house a feast was held in honour of Jesus. On the surface it would appear that Simon was still plagued with leprosy at the time under review; but that would be unlikely going by the practice of the time. Lepers were kept outside the city to avoid contamination. No Jew would go for a feast in the house of a leper. In all probability Simon had been cured of leprosy by Jesus, and the feast he organized was possibly a THANK YOU party.
“Complete worship is when we seek God despite our needs and situations, for what He has done and more so for who He is – He is worthy!”
Next, we have the woman with an alabaster flask containing costly perfume. She broke it and poured it on Jesus’ head. Who could this woman be? Many Bible scholars believed it was Mary the sister of Lazarus. This is not difficult to establish as the feast is said to be at Bethany, the city of Mary and her family. It was in that same city that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. For Mary it was payback time for the Master who had been gracious and generous to her family. Complete worship is when we seek God despite our needs and situations, for what He has done and more so for who He is – He is worthy!