Jesus’ invitation to weary souls is significant for several reasons. First of all, it redefines the Sabbath. In the Old Testament, they found their rest by observing a particular day; but today our rest is tied to Jesus. By observing His ways and rules, we can obtain true rest. Secondly, the rest provided for through the observance of the Sabbath could only take care of the body, but the rest which Jesus promised is comprehensive – it covers the spirit, soul and body. As important as rest for the body is, it takes its queue after the spirit has found rest. Most bodily breakdowns are caused by minds that are muddled up by sins and cares of this world. When that aspect is taken care of, we can enjoy real rest.
One thing underscores the importance of rest. Jesus taught that when an unclean spirit is cast out of a man, he goes into dry places seeking rest. Interestingly, that even devils require a measure of rest before they can work. (Of course, when demons are at rest in someone they cause great havoc). The rest we need from demonic activities can only come from Jesus. As we look forward to the year 2023, let us take advantage of the offer that Jesus made and come to Him by faith. In Him alone is the hope of comprehensive rest from sin, wounds, and woes.