Several of the items listed in the Bible as works of the flesh can be aptly described as a raging fire. Take for example jealousy. It tends to consume both ways. A jealous man is always nervous – a horrible and uncomfortable feeling. Jealousy affects one’s esteem. The jealous man or woman feels inferior to their contemporaries. The likely outcome of this is competition, seeing everybody else as an opponent. This is what produces sabotage in the business world where everything that cuts down a competitor is deemed fair.
The Bible teaches us the disastrous consequences of jealousy. Cain was consumed by jealousy because God rejected his offering while accepting his brother’s offering. As a result, he killed his brother, but that did not end the raging fire. He became a vagabond and a wanderer. Korah’s rebellion against Moses in the wilderness was traceable to jealousy. Korah and his group became envious of Moses’ authority. They spoke against him and refused to obey his order. They died a strange death – the ground opened and swallowed them! Learning to be content with what we have while pressing by principle for a better life will quell the evil fire of jealousy.