Immediately after the verse where Paul complained of being abandoned, he singled out the personal ministry of Onesiphorus to him. He recalled the refreshment that that disciple brought his way in the past and how he left no stone unturned to locate his whereabouts in Rome. Thus, Onesiphorus stood as a divine witness in Paul’s life at a critical moment. Let us cast our text in The Passion Translation: “Nevertheless, so many times Onesiphorus was like a breath of fresh air to me and never seemed to be ashamed of my chains. May our Lord Jesus bestow compassion and mercy upon him and his household.” Paul described him as “a breath of fresh air”.
Perhaps it will be correct to say that this man’s virtuous deeds are found hidden in his name. Onesiphorus means “one who brings profit” or “advantageous”. He lived out the true meaning of his name. He was indeed profitable to Paul. Here is the main thrust of our meditation today, that no matter how dark and bleak the situation is, God will leave a witness behind. If the entire world collude to forsake you, God will keep one “Onesiphorus” in place to cheer you on. The rule of life is never to keep counting those who have left; count those who remain. Do not get frenzied by those who are against you, but be encouraged by those who care for you. Even if they are small in number, God can through them work out your victory. Remember that there is no problem with God granting you a breakthrough by few or many.