In yesterday’s meditation, we learned that it takes platforms to make an impact. While
this observation remains valid, it is good to add that sometimes people need to be made
conscious of the platforms they have and be courageous enough to engage them.
Esther had a platform of influence but did not engage it immediately. She was afraid to
use her position because the law of the land forbade anyone to approach the king
uninvited. Mordecai needed to prod her to take that life-and-death decision. He added,
“Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther
4:14, NKJV). That was all Esther needed to approach the king. Good enough, God had
preceded her before the king, and she got favour.
“Courage is the ability to press towards a desired objective in the
face of fear and opposition.”
He who inspires confidence inspires action, and he who inspires action inspires victory.
Certainly, Mordecai had a lot to do with the salvation of the Jews at Shushan. He was
handsomely rewarded for his role as he eventually replaced Haman and became
second to the king. Finally, Esther, though as a queen had a good platform for
influence, would have wasted it without taking that risk. She took an unusual step to get
an uncommon result. Courage is the ability to press towards a desired objective in the
face of fear and opposition. If God has given you a platform, ask Him to take away fear
and intimidation from you as well.