A farmhand who worked at a poultry received an order from his boss one day. He was given a container of disinfectant for cleaning the environment. Days later, it was discovered that he had sprinkled the solution into the birds’ drinking water. His was a case of hearing instruction but not in a diligent manner. Yesterday, we learned that God has benefits for us daily. We also itemized ways to appropriate these benefits. We must believe in them and pray for their manifestation. We are to make faith confessions and be grateful. One thing to add to the list is hearkening to God.
“Every obedient step brings us closer to the benefits of God.”
In some Bible passages, we come across the phrase to “diligently hearken” to the voice or commandments of the Lord. What does it mean to diligently hearken? Firstly, it entails hearing the voice of the Lord and understanding it. The young man in the story heard the voice of his boss, but he did not understand it. Many people do what they thought were God’s instructions only to discover they were wrong. Many people have suffered untold consequences for this. The other side of diligently hearkening to the voice of the Lord is to obey completely. Every obedient step brings us closer to the benefits of God.