There are two extreme positions that people can assume when dealing with demons, and both may have devastating consequences. You have those who do not believe devils exist or are potent. Such people dismiss any teaching on powers of darkness as fairy tales. They can easily become pawns in spiritual conflicts, the devil tossing them at will. The other extreme is to think that everything, including ordinary events of life and happenstances are caused by the devil. Those who belong to this school of thought tend to abandon all responsibilities of life and think all they need to do is pray.
Victory only comes when the stumbling block is removed…Problems that are not dealt with from the root have the tendency to reincarnate.
Balance, which the Bible ensures, is the only way to avoid these extremes. In addition, we need the ability to discern and know what is going on at every given time. Jesus excelled at this. A man who had not spoken before was brought to Jesus. He cast out the devil and the man regained his speech. That means the demon had been the reason for his inability to speak. Though not all problems of life are caused by devil in the practical sense, we should know that problems with demonic root will never go away until the demon responsible is dealt with. Victory only comes when the stumbling block is removed. The Bible says “he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” (2Thessalonians 2:7). When Jesus cursed the fig tree, it withered from the root. Problems that are not dealt with from the root have the tendency to reincarnate.