For some unclear reasons, the subject of holiness seems scary to many people. Yet, holiness is the choicest possession of God’s children. It is so because through it we partake of God’s very nature; and nothing can be more valuable than this. In the passage taken for meditation today, Obadiah stated two things that must be in place before we enter into our heritage in God; the first of which is holiness. It will not require any stress to see the connection between holiness and divine inheritance. Hebrews 12: 14 says, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord”. Now, if we don’t see the Lord how do we ever hope to receive of Him? This is why we noted earlier that holiness is the choicest and number one possession we can ever have.
The second precondition that must be fulfilled in order to enter into divine inheritance is deliverance. The subject of deliverance actually comes under different categories which will occupy our attention in the next couple of meditations. Let’s begin with the most obvious and the most often talked about – deliverance from Satan and his activities. The Bible describes a class of people being held captive by the devil at will (2 Timothy 2:26). As in the natural, a person in custody, locked behind bars is cut off from whatever he possesses. There must be a setting free from all satanic bondage before one can truly enjoy all the benefits of redemption. Happily, believers have at their disposal authority to break loose from all bondages of the devil. That authority is the name of Jesus. Satan has no defense against the name of the Lord.