Religious zeal and spirituality are not always coterminous. Someone can be highly zealous for religious rituals and still be far from godliness. One of the ways by which people demonstrate religious zeal is prayer. Some people hold vigil every weekend. Others have sustained vigil every night for upward of 40 days at a time. However, when you listen to the content of their prayers, they sound hollow, if not ridiculous. In the previous mediation, we learned the importance of being delivered from every satanic stronghold. Here is the balance of that. Whereas Satan seeks those he can put in bondage and restrict their progress, not all cases are of demonic origin. Most of what people blame on the devil are direct products of their negligence or ignorance. In such cases, no amount of binding and losing of the devil will make any impact.
That brings us to another type of deliverance that God’s people need; which is, deliverance from ignorance. Many are running from pillar to post in search of deliverance from evil powers when what they need is the knowledge of the truth. Yes, deliverance they must get; but it has to be from the ignorance eating them up. Freedom is tied to the knowledge of the truth. Accordingly, Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). When you increase in knowledge you increase your chance to walk in liberty and walk into your possession in God.