Years into the teaching of faith, Dr. K. C. Price wrote a book titled FAITH, FOOLISHNESS OR PRESUMPTION. I guess it was his attempt to balance the faith teaching and limit the damage being caused by those who took the subject overboard. I recall how students would take the teaching on faith to ridiculous dimension back in school several years ago. We were taught the power of faith, and how we can bind and lose using the name of Jesus. Some of them who liked to indulge their appetite would pray to cast off the calories in the food! That way they would go on and on to stuff themselves with excess food. Well, that is one way to show that a credible biblical teaching can be abused through human absurdities. You don’t cast out calories from food to avoid being overweight; you simply put the knife to your throat as the book of Proverbs counsels.
This story is brought to illustrate another form of deliverance. Perhaps it is correct to say that in most cases the deliverance we need is not from Satan, ignorance, or other people; we actually need to be delivered from ourselves. Many of us have picked up many wrong values and habits which are now injurious to some areas of our lives. The way out is for you to stand in front of the mirror and point to the man or the woman in it and say, “You are the problem!” As our text shows, if you bring yourself into captivity, you are the one to work out a way of escape. Stop passing the buck.