Recently, I developed an interest in watching a reality show – Paternity Court. The situations I see there are not funny in any way. One woman came to court to find out the biological father of her son. Within the conception window in a single month, she slept with four different men. Two of the men that she slept with two to three times each had been tested, and neither of them was the father. The third man she dragged to court was the one she slept with the most – about 8 to 10 times within the month. So she felt certain he was the father. Unfortunately, when the DNA results came out, the man was not the father of her child. That left one option – the fourth man that she slept with in a one-night stand. Ironically, she did not even know the name of the man or where he lives!
Deliverance from the clutches of sin is about the best deliverance ever; and that only comes from Jesus. Through Him we can have dominion over sin and all that holds us down.
Whenever I come across stories like this, I shake my head in disbelief and wonder at the enormous complications that sin brings to people’s lives. Jesus healed a paralytic man of his infirmity. Days after, He saw the man in the temple and warned him to stop sinning to avoid a worse thing coming upon him. From Jesus’ words, it is safe to conclude that sin was at the root of his predicament. Going into eternal damnation as a result of sin would indeed be far worse than the disease that held him bound. Whether in its temporal or eternal outlook, sin is horrifying. The man in question was said to have been sick for 38 years. We don’t know how old he was when he came down with his problem or when he was cured. But 38 years is more than half of a lifespan. Sin put his life on hold for that long! Deliverance from the clutches of sin is about the best deliverance ever; and that only comes from Jesus. Through Him we can have dominion over sin and all that holds us down.