An acquaintance of one of my sons works for a logistics company. She used her good offices to arrange with their protocol officer to assist me and my wife during our early morning flight on July 25, 2023. It turned out that the officer was unavailable when we got to the airport. The lady called him on the phone but he could not be reached. Luckily for us, there were no difficulties; so in a few minutes, we completed the check-in formalities and headed for the boarding gate. I have yet to find out why the young man disappointed us. Perhaps, he slept off.
That brought me to the text of scripture for meditation today. When a man promises to help you, any number of things can happen to disallow him, even if he is sincere in his intention.
Man’s promise is limited to the extent that man is limited. Only God never fails.
God is ever alive and awake! He tends to His own 24 hours of the day and every day of the year. Such a relentless source of help should provide believers with a settled state of mind. As we commence a new month, which happens to be the beginning of the last quarter of the year, be rest assured that your help is near at all times.