The Bible describes the promises of God in various ways. Paul said that the promises are yea and amen in Christ. In other words, God does not go back and forth on what He has promised. We know this much because there is no variableness in Him, nor shadow of turning. When Peter spoke about the promises, he described them as “exceeding great and precious”. Beyond this, Peter also established the ultimate purpose behind the promises of God. The only way to avoid the abuse of anything is to understand its purpose. God has a reason for giving us these exceeding great promises.
The real purpose behind the promises of God is contained in our text – to put on divine nature…The greatest goal of God for every believer is the emergence of Christ life.
Let us be clear about one thing: God does not honour His promises to simply gratify us. We make mistake when we think that the promises of God are meant to meet our every whim. The real purpose behind the promises of God is contained in our text – to put on divine nature. It is out of sync to obtain a promise and for that to turn us away from God or godlike behavior. The greatest goal of God for every believer is the emergence of Christ life. This may probably help in explaining why some things we pray for are delayed or denied outright. In the wisdom of God, He will first pass every request through this test: will granting it cause Christ to be formed in us or take Christ out of us? We cannot answer this question. The riddle can only be solved by God whose wisdom is infinite, and knows a thing far before it comes to light. Once it is certain that a promise, when granted, will bring the greater glory to Him through us, God will pull all brakes to see that nothing is denied us.