A verse in the book of Hebrews shows God’s strong stand on reward – “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” Hebrews 6:10 NKJV. Failure to reward would amount to injustice, and we know that God is not unjust. James also noted that a curse is on those who employ labourers but failed to give them their due wages. It is clear from these passages of scriptures that it would be out of character for God not to reward faithful service.
“Ours is to keep labouring, while we leave God to use His discretion to reward…Some rewards come early; others take a little longer…God pays in His own way and time.”
However, there are two things that are not in our power to decide. One, it is not in our power to decide how He might reward us. Most times, our minds always go the way of money and material as God’s due way of reward. Yes, there are times that reward comes this way. The widow of Zarephath had increase in her pot of flour and jar of oil. Solomon, on his part, had riches beyond any of his contemporaries. Notwithstanding, there are other times that rewards come by way of placement, authority and honour. Ours is to keep labouring, while we leave God to use His discretion to reward. The second thing we don’t have power to decide is the timing of the reward. Some rewards come early; others take a little longer. When expected rewards appear slow, the temptation is for people to get weary in well-doing. This is why scriptures like we have cited for meditation today must be handy; reminding us that God pays in His own way and time.