You may accuse the politicians of many wrongdoings, but you cannot accuse them of
being lazy. Politicians are among the most hardworking people you can get anywhere.
There are two other lessons that I think believers should learn from them. Their drive for
conciliation is unparalleled. Every election cycle brings about divisions in their ranks. No
sooner are elections over than you see them showing the olive branch as they try to
reconcile the aggrieved persons. Believers will need to learn this and embrace
forgiveness in their fold. Lastly, politicians don’t give up easily. One of the men who
contested for the office of the president in February had done so a record of five times
before the last one. On a previous outing when he failed to clinch the seat, he was
asked if he would give up running. “Why should I give up? he quipped. “It’s my career. I
will not give up. I will continue being in politics till I die”, he concluded.
“Walking with God should not just be when things go our way; it should be an all season affair.”
If Christians have the same attitude towards God, then we will be safe to conclude that
nothing will be able to separate them from the love of God in Christ. Unfortunately, not
every professing believer has this mindset. Despite the fact that the man in question has
not been able to lay hold of what he is looking for, he is not ready to turn his back on
politics. We have a stronger reason for not giving up on God: He is our life! The heroes
of faith we read about in the Bible had a bond with God that nothing was strong enough
to break. We are called to follow in their steps. Walking with God should not just be
when things go our way; it should be an all season affair.