Greatness is never a product of chance. In most cases, too, greatness is hardly due to a single factor. When someone is made great it is usually because many factors have been harnessed in appropriate measures. This fact was true of David. Before he eventually became king over the nation of Israel, so much had happened. Presently, we shall focus on one of the reasons David became great. To be precise, the first four words capture something powerful about the life of this inimitable king – “And David went on”. Too many things were strewn in his way that should have made him stop. At the back side of the desert as a little shepherd boy, he had to contend with the bears and the lions. The experience he garnered while doing this soon came handy when he faced Goliath. This champion from the camp of the Philistines tried to intimidate him to submission, but “David went on”. Right after his victory, he was dragged into a long drawn war with his boss and King of Israel, but “David went on”. Domestic struggles broke out in his house, “but David went on”.
The lesson we are to draw today is this: No one becomes great standing idle. No one ever did anything major in life without having to contend with forces. Life, many times, is like swimming against the tide. Ability to press on despite unfavourable circumstances makes for ultimate success. When obstacles are thrown at you or in your path, count on the strength of the Lord. Awake to the consciousness of the help that His presence makes available. Whatever happens, never stop until you reach your goal. Just move on!