When Jesus visited Lazarus and his two sisters, Martha went all out to make dinner for
their august visitor. At a point in time, she got overwhelmed and wondered why Jesus
had not instructed Mary to give her a helping hand. Curiously, she got a loving rebuke
instead. Jesus told her that she was given to worry. Was He talking about her
preoccupation with dinner preparation or something else? Obviously, Jesus took aim at
something deeper in the life of Martha. It seemed that Martha was characteristically
someone who was prone to worry. Mary, on the other hand, was at Jesus’ feet, soaking
in His wisdom. Here we find one of the symptoms of worry – misplaced priority. Those
who worry excessively are often busy, but regrettably it is with the wrong things.
“Those who worry excessively are often busy, but regrettably it is with the wrong things.”
Rather than worry, Jesus would want us to set our priorities right. “But seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”