Wildfire is a common occurrence in California, particularly in recent years. A greater
percentage of the fires are attributed to climate change. Others are due to human
factors. One fire started on a rather curious note. A golfer was having his routine swing.
The swing went off course and the ball hit a rock, sparking off a fire incident that
consumed about 25 acres of land. It took the services of about 150 firemen to put off
what a single shot started!
“It is time we let the Spirit do the talking through us.”
James had no idea of golfer when he penned down his epistle, and would have no idea
that shooting a golf ball off-course could bring ruin. What he knew was that a member of
our body that we shoot regularly which is the tongue, can spark a fire. From our text, we
read that the tongue has enough power to defile the whole body, and can set on fire the
course of nature. The tongue can set hell raging. Those who underestimate the power
of words have done so to their own downfall. Many have lost what they once cherished,
speaking their way into trouble. A mark of a healthy life is being able to bring the tongue
under control, speaking only what edifies. By the way, this is one thing baptism in the
Spirit is meant to achieve. When someone is baptized, it should imply that another has
taken over their speech faculty. It is time we let the Spirit do the talking through us.