The psalmist describes us as sheep in God’s pasture. One critical need of sheep is guidance. Sheep are not particularly smart to know where to go to find pasture; they must be led. We devoted the last couple of meditations to providing justifications why God’s people should not demean success. It is not only a way of thrilling God and showing that He is faithful to His promises, but it also serves as a good advertisement for the cause of the kingdom. We assume, of course, that our success is according to ethics and principles. One thing we need to add at this point is that our quest for success will neither be complete nor attainable without the input of God. Specifically, we cannot succeed the right way unless we are guided by God.
When God is the guide, several things happen. From Psalm 23 we gather that His guidance will provide sustenance as He will make us to lie in green pasture and lead us beside still water. His guidance will protect and preserve even if the path cuts across the valley of the shadow of death. The times of cloud and shadow will give way to times of overflowing favour. In addition, when God is in the saddle He guides unto glory. Call this the ultimate success if you like. Please keep in mind that where God guides you may not be the popular route. The way of the Philistines would have been more popular for the children of Israel; but He took them by the Red Sea. Again, the way He guides you may not be the exact way He has guided some other people. Regardless how God guides, it will always lead to an expected end.