Yesterday, we stated that God’s help comes to us readily when we abide by His directive. However, it will be wrong to think that once we are under the influence of His guidance, everything becomes a walkover. Ironically, abiding by God’s guidance may become the very step to activate opposition. This point is verifiable from Isaac’s story. In Genesis 26, we read of Isaac’s attempt to flee to Egypt. God dissuaded him from that course of action. Rather, he was to dwell in the land of the Philistines, with the promise that he would be blessed there.
“We must arm ourselves with the fact that ultimate breakthrough will come only if we can fight off intimidation and continually make efforts.”
Our text for meditation today captures the prosperity and growing influence of Isaac. That, however, did not come without a fight. As soon as he chose to abide by God’s directive, his enterprise came under severe sabotage. Prior to this, his team had ventured to dig two wells for which the Philistines strove. He had to give up Esek and Sitnah and kept on making efforts. We are left with critical lessons that when we are ready to follow God’s lead, we should expect resistance. In addition, we must arm ourselves with the fact that ultimate breakthrough will come only if we can fight off intimidation and continually make efforts. Now, where did Isaac find the gut and the grit to keep on digging having lost in earlier attempts? We can say that he was armed with the promise of God. This kept Isaac going when all the people seemed to be his adversary. Something was possibly playing in his mind as they tried to frustrate his efforts. He must have told himself that no opposition can be stronger than the promise of God. As the hymn writer says, we too must be willing to stand firmly on the promises of God to conquer the howling storms of doubt and all forms of sabotage.