The word “instruction” is mentioned 25 times in the book of Proverbs. The book emphatically associates heeding instruction with wisdom and failure to take heed with foolishness. Elsewhere, instruction is often the precursor to restoration. David sought the face of the Lord after he lost his base at Ziklag. He was instructed to pursue the enemy, and when he obeyed, he got everything back. Mary knew the place of taking heed to instruction. So she warned those who needed replenishment of wine to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Finally, the miracle of bringing Lazarus back from the dead could only take place after they heeded Jesus’ instruction to roll away the stone.
“Elsewhere, instruction is often the precursor to restoration…If you argue with God’s method, you may end up missing His miracles and blessings.”
It is worthy of note that divine instructions may not be in line with conventional wisdom. Jesus’ method defied several orthodox approaches. He healed on the Sabbath contrary to the law of Moses. He dined and wined with commoners and sinners. He made wine from water and not grapes. In our text, He mixed clay with spittle and plastered blind eyes! If you argue with God’s method, you may end up missing His miracles and blessings. We should be grateful that we are in the dark about most of God’s works in our lives. Mixing clay with spittle wasn’t decent, to say the least. If we fully know how God is doing some things, we would probably rebel. Imagine if God didn’t put Adam to sleep before ripping his side open!