We had an incredible time during the annual convention of our ministry in November last year. One of our guest ministers, Bishop Emmah Isong, spoke on the second night of the convention on what he titled MIRACLE BY MISTAKE! A story which I read recently gave credence to that curious topic. One Elle Peter recalled how she got married to her husband. She was trying to reach someone by phone. Somehow, she mistakenly dialled someone else with whom she had no contact. The receiver notified her that she had dialled the wrong number, but that in any case she had a lovely voice. He then wondered if he could call her again. That “mistake” led to both of them getting married and having two kids together.
“While we are not being goaded to commit an error, let us not doubt the transcendent power of God to turn our gaffes into glory.”
Our text of scripture says that God “works all things according to the counsel of His will”. A twin of that will be Romans 8:28 which says that God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Perhaps you will be familiar with Jesus’ response to those who asked Him to display a sign for them. He told them that no sign would be given them except that of Jonah – that as the prophet was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, that was how the Son of man would be three days and three nights in the belly of the earth. He used that to depict His burial and resurrection. What originally was an error on the part of Jonah became something of significance. While we are not being goaded to commit an error, let us not doubt the transcendent power of God to turn our gaffes into glory.