Most Marines who had been to warfronts find it hard to return to normal life when their duty is over. Some of them are always on guard, reading everything and everyone from the view point of war. When they are among family members where they ought to fill the hour with jovialities, they stand aloof and look distant. In extreme cases they have mental breakdown. These and many more are a manifestation of ghost of battle which haunts them and makes it hard for them to adjust to normal life.
Battles are a universal phenomenon… What you must avoid is the ghost of battle…Allowing the ghost of past battles in your heart will dim your vision and dip your energy.
Well, if you are like most people you probably fought some battles last year. It would almost pass for a pleasant surprise if your past year went without a battle incident. Our text says we wrestle! Battles are a universal phenomenon; so if you experienced some in recent time you are in good company. What you must avoid is the ghost of battle. It must never be allowed to ruin a new year for you. Marines who return from battle undergo extensive therapy just to regain the handle on life. They also count heavily on the support of friends and family members to navigate that terrible season of their lives. Wherever you can get help, go for it. Allowing the ghost of past battles in your heart will dim your vision and dip your energy. Consign the battle of the past to the past; and let Christ give you a clean slate to work with this New Year. Remember, there is grace for this new phase of your life.