Part of the fallout of the war in Ukraine was the return of many Nigerians who were there either for study or business. The first batch of the returnees arrived Abuja on March 4, 2022. As a way of ameliorating their sufferings, the federal government decided to give $100 to each returnee. That was in addition to flying them home at no personal cost to them. Different reactions greeted the government initiative. One respondent asked where the money was being distributed so he could go and partake of the largesse. Another queried what in the world $100 would do. This respondent considered it rather too small. Yet another wondered why the government should venture to give them any money, having previously abandoned their country for the proverbial greener pasture. He condemned the initiative, particularly after the government has stated that it has no money to meet the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).
Pleasing people cannot be your overall objective if your ultimate desire is to please God. Once people-pleasing is your goal, your walk with God will suffer.
There is a leadership lesson here. No leader can satisfy everybody at the same time, no matter how cleverly a policy or program is crafted. The overriding objective of those in leadership positions should be doing the greatest good for the greatest number as much as possible. The spiritual implication of this is that choosing to please God may sometimes put you at daggers drawn with some people. Pleasing people cannot be your overall objective if your ultimate desire is to please God. Once people-pleasing is your goal, your walk with God will suffer. The guiding principle is to do all things to the satisfaction of your conscience while you wait on God to justify you before those who are roughened by your steps of obedience.