As Nigeria counts down to the general elections in 2023, it has been a beehive of activities in our political landscape. Aspirants are scurrying around to get the endorsement of opinion molders. We have seen candidates leverage professional sportsmen and musicians to shore up their chances. This, of course, comes at a great price. While this may swing the votes to a politician’s advantage, seeking human endorsement is of little consequence when you are dealing with God. Regardless of how many people give you their endorsement, you are not yet home and dry until you hear God’s verdict. “But “he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends” (2 Corinthians 10:17-18).
This is the point of our text: Paul made it plain to the Corinthians that his group was neither commending nor seeking commendation from them. They trusted God’s opinion alone. Ultimate endorsement comes from God; therefore if you are to please anyone, strive to please God. There is something ironic about approval. You can see someone highly celebrated by the populace whom God has rejected. On the other hand, someone may be scourged by the tongues of men who has won the heart of God. While the Jews and Roman authority condemned Jesus, He remained the only Begotten Son in whom the Father was well pleased. Man’s rating should not rattle you; it is of greater benefit if you know what God is saying about you.