After Jesus had washed the disciples feet, He summed up the lesson by saying, “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15 NKJV). Beyond this particular episode, Jesus is our perfect example in all things. In Him also is the pattern of how to secure God’s approval. Recall that we noted in our previous meditation that on three different occasions, the Father publicly testified of Jesus. That public endorsement did not come lightly, it came because of a life dedicated to nothing but carrying out the will of God even to the minutest detail. This we can see from what took place at Jordan. The Master had approached John for baptism, a request he found rather flattering. John assumed, and rightly so, that Jesus was supposed to baptize him. He had actually advertized Him earlier as the One who baptizes with fire and the Holy Spirit. Why then would the Baptizer seek to be baptized by His subordinate? The text of today shows the response of Jesus. Though John’s reasoning was right, Jesus insisted on John baptizing Him in order to “fulfill all righteousness”.
In an audacious manner, Jesus reported that the Father who sent Him was always with Him, because He did only those things that pleased Him. Pleasing the Father in all ways and always is the secret to enjoying His endorsement. The good news is this: the moment God endorses you; it is of no consequence how many people are opposed to you. Conversely, if the entire world is for you but God is not, it is like pouring water into a broken cistern. It will only be all labour and no reward. Every act of secret obedience to God prepares you for public approval. The rule in the kingdom is that the Father who sees in the secret will reward openly.