A common practice of the Lord Jesus was touching people. Virtually all four gospels recorded how He touched people’s lives directly. Most of the people touched by Jesus were down and out by human standard. Matthew recorded several occasions when He touched people. In chapter 8:15, He touched Peter’s mother-in-law and healed her of fever. In chapter 9:29, He touched the two blind men and restored their sight. That was followed by two other blind men who He touched in chapter 20:34. Of course, we have Him touching the leprous man as contained in our lead Scripture today.
The Church is God’s extended hand in any generation. If our world is not having a greater feel of God’s touch, it is because the Church is failing in her responsibility.
This is significant because believers are referred to as the Body of Christ. Since Jesus ascended, He has no other physical representative on earth. It is true that the Holy Spirit was given to us at His instance; but that holds no real value for the world. Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus said the world will not be able to receive Him because they do not see Him. Any meaningful contact between God and humanity has to be through the church and individuals that comprise it. Saint Teresa of Avila said: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out in the world. Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which is to bless His people.” The Church is God’s extended hand in any generation. If our world is not having a greater feel of God’s touch, it is because the Church is failing in her responsibility.