What do we make of the idea that God made man in His own image? If we try to reason this out in terms of biology or anatomy, there would be a problem; for then must we resolve what gender is God’s. Remember, He created them male and female. Further problems would erupt when you consider that some children came with birth defects. Does that mean there are defects in God? That would be almost insane, if not outright blasphemous. We know that God is perfect and no defect in Him at all. In the least, we can interpret Genesis 1:27 from non-human point of view. Our text does not mean that God is human; rather, in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature we are fashioned like God.
Wherever you are, be conscious of the fact that you are there on God’s behalf. It is your sacred duty not to misrepresent God; and it is your honour to do what He would have done if He were physically present.
This becomes clearer when we consider the word, ‘image’ in Hebrew. It is the word “tselem” which among other things, means a representative figure. A representative is someone “standing or acting for another especially through delegated authority”. That was exactly what God had in mind when He made man. He needed someone to stand for Him here on earth, equipped with divine authority. This should change your outlook on life as a child of God. Wherever you are, be conscious of the fact that you are there on God’s behalf. It is your sacred duty not to misrepresent God; and it is your honour to do what He would have done if He were physically present.