Luke recorded several women associates of Jesus who ministered to Him out of their substance. Arguably, Mary Magdalene stood out among those women, and she scored many firsts. She was the first and only one out of whom Jesus cast seven demons. She was among the women to notice that the stone on the tomb had been rolled away on that resurrection morning. She was the first to see the risen Lord; and she was the first to preach the risen Lord to the rest of the disciples.
Neither in scripture nor in real life situation do we see everything at once. That’s why you need to give another look to issues and people. This calls for diligence and humility because, like Mary, you may have to “stoop down.”
Our specific focus today is to highlight Mary’s daring, caring, and persevering spirit. With other women, she looked at the tomb and noticed that the stone had been moved. It is likely also that she might have looked when Peter and John entered the tomb. The progression by which events unfolded at the tomb is descriptive of God’s revelation to us; it comes a little at a time and moves towards a climax. The first thing sighted was the stone rolled away. When Peter and John entered, they saw the linen clothes and the napkin used in wrapping the Lord’s body. Third, when Mary had another look, saw two angels. And finally, she saw the Lord. Neither in scripture nor in real life situation do we see everything at once. That’s why you need to give another look to issues and people. This calls for diligence and humility because, like Mary, you may have to “stoop down.” We will be required many times to come off our high horse to grasp things of eternal value.