The Psalmist paints different perspectives of the Lord’s work in His anointed. Firstly, He gives strength to the anointed. “The Lord is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.” Psalms 28:8 NKJV. In another place, it is the mercy of the Lord that is pronounced. “Great deliverance He gives to His king, And shows mercy to His anointed, To David and his descendants forevermore.”Psalms 18:50 NKJV. In our text, it is the salvation of the Lord in the life of the anointed that is captured. This will be the focus for further probing.
God surely knows how to order the steps of His people out of every danger.
One of the pastors who relate with me closely told me his experience one night as they returned home from church service. The pastor helped his wife to move some stuff that she had bought earlier into the house. He was still holding some of the stuff in the living room when he had some urgency in his spirit. He asked the wife for illumination to get to the kitchen to drop the stuff. As soon as he left that spot, there was a loud bang. A stray bullet had torn through the roof and ceiling and landed at the exact spot he was standing on earlier. God surely knows how to order the steps of His people out of every danger. In case you are thinking that the deliverance happened because he is a pastor, you need to be reminded that the Holy Spirit is the Anointing; and to varying degrees everyone who has the Spirit is an anointed of the Lord.