In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he demonstrated how influential one person or an act could be. It was through the disobedience of one man, Adam that the whole world became partakers of sinful nature. Sin can indeed be elastic in its effect, causing lateral damage to innocent people. Only eternity can give the count of babies born with HIV virus because either of the parents was promiscuous. How many children are orphaned because the parents entered the fast lane and were consumed in the process? Or how many people have lost their jobs because someone in their department either failed in his or her duty or overran boundaries. Whenever you are tempted to do the wrong or to be sloppy in your assignment, pause and think about what damage you may bring to innocent lives. People of good conscience cannot stand to see others suffer for their own errors.
“We must become intentional with our influence to make a resounding impact in life.”
There is a bright side to this principle. In our meditation yesterday, we saw how Edison’s mother stepped up to the plate when her son was labelled “addled”. She was not going to allow that stigma to linger on the young boy. She withdrew him from formal classroom and homeschooled him. Edison became a blessing to the world because his largely unknown mother did a great work in his life. Everybody has influence. However, we must become intentional with our influence to make a resounding impact in life.