Some people’s good success may be tied to just taking a stand when it matters most. This was actually the case with Daniel and his colleagues. What do you do when a privilege leads to compromise of your faith in God? Daniel would say, “Take a stand!” That was exactly what he and his colleagues did in Babylon. Having been screened and shortlisted as trainees who would eventually serve in the palace of king Nebuchadnezzar, they were entitled to a ration of the king’s delicacies. Well, on the surface that was a privilege of a lifetime, dining with the most powerful king on earth. However, these men turned down the offer. It wasn’t just a matter of food on the platter; it was their faith and conviction on trial. It was about the laws of the God of Israel who said there should be no other gods besides Him.
Food served the king and his officials were typically offered first to idols. To partake of such food would mean subscribing to the idols, a negation of the laws of God. At the risk of their lives, they objected; they chose a simple meal plan which God blessed, making them better than those who feasted on the king’s delicacies. As the story of these men unfolds, we learn that God will always stand up for those who take a stand for Him. They became men greatly sought for and honoured. Even if your stand for God does not result in social and material lift like these men, you can be sure that you are rated highly before God, the Judge of the universe.