There are indications that the disciples of Jesus made remarkable progress even before He left for heaven. There are growth indicators that are worthy of mention. Firstly, they had grown in love. This was an area that Jesus harped on several times. Initially, they got it all wrong as they were involved in group rivalry and jostling for positions. Jesus taught them that love mattered most. Huddling and fishing together even in the absence of Jesus was a pointer to the progress they had made in the school of love.
“If we love the brethren and can discern the workings of God, chances are that we are growing up in Him…Your words can persuade or dissuade, encourage or discourage. Speak with circumspection.”
Secondly, the disciples showed growth in discernment. When Jesus called that early morning as they were fishing, John was able to recognize that it was the Lord. Before now they probably would have freaked out. They panicked when Jesus walked on the water towards them one night. This time around they had become accustomed to His voice and ways. In addition to other forms of measurement, these two areas are ways we can tell our progress in the Lord. If we love the brethren and can discern the workings of God, chances are that we are growing up in Him. Neither of these growths will be automatic; they come through intentionality and repeated efforts. If you have not progressed in these areas, do not lose heart. Ask God to grant you grace to get better. There is one final lesson from our text. What John said – it is the Lord – motivated Peter to dive into the sea and swim upland. Your words can persuade or dissuade, encourage or discourage. Speak with circumspection.