We touched on the need to correct the assumptions about us in the last meditation.
Perhaps, it may just be as rewarding if we try to correct some perceptions of the
ministry and ministers. Some do not believe that those who are called to minister full-
time (as some would say) are human in every sense of the world. A young man once
asked me if pastors can marry. I assured him with my example; that I am married and
have children. The celestial posture that people have about ministers may not be
unconnected with the larger-than-life attitude of some men of the clergy. If truth be told,
every high priest is ordained from among men to minister to men in things pertaining to
God (Hebrews 5:1).
“The presence of the false prophets is proof of genuine prophets.”
The young man was not yet done with his assumption. He told me that in his country
people do not like to go to church any longer, because they see it as business that the
ministers engage in to make a profit. This image is not helped by the showbiz-like
display of some ministers. While this may be correct in some cases, it will be totally
dangerous to think every ministry and every minister is out there for filthy lucre. The
danger of such wrong assumptions is that our faith in God and zeal for His work will
gradually wear out. Never allow your faith to fizzle out because of what is wrong in
ministry terrain. The presence of the false prophets is proof of genuine prophets. Rather
than getting discouraged because of falsehood, just ask God to grant you a discerning